Inspiring your people is an art. But that is not to say there is no method behind it. Here, you'll find our favourite knowledge bites on how to keep your workforce motivated and engaged. Read on to learn how COSYN turns the latest behavioural science theory into the sharpest storytelling practices.

#20 How to activate teams and keep them engaged?
With dr. Eleni Georganta, assistant professor in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

#19 How to introduce the new AI colleague?
With dr. Eleni Georganta, assistant professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

#6 How can money close the workplace gender gap?
With Diana van Maasdijk, founder of Equileap.

#4 How to build anti-fragile organisations in the 'new normal'?
With Dr. Lucia Garcia Lorenzo, Associate Professor for Organizational and Social Psychology at the London School of Economics (LSE).

#3 How to design a unique employee experience?
With Magali Demierre, Global Head of Employee Experience at Philip Morris International (PMI).

#2 How to change with behavioural science?
With Antoine Ferrere, Global Head of Behavioral and Data Science at Novartis.

#1 Can companies suffer trauma?
Prof. Dr. George Bonanno, Chair of the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, and Director of the Loss, Trauma and Emotion Lab at Teachers College at New York’s Columbia University.