Helping the IC team to reactivate its engagement strategy - fast!


Ensuring everyone is clear on your business' direction amidst intense change can be challenging. We helped DB Schenker's employees block out the noise and stay connected to what truly matters.

DB Schenker's new internal communications team took over at a time when the company was going through a sea of change. Employees were being flooded with messages and campaigns, but these didn't always seem to clearly connect to one another.
Our goal here was twofold: to bring the new internal comms team together, and to revitalize DB Schenker's engagement strategy. The solution here needed to be collaborative, high-energy and fast paced.
So, we organized two sprint working sessions. The first one consisted of a science-backed review of DB Schenker's existing strategy, while the second one nailed down a brand-new activation plan for the upcoming year.

In a short time, we got the whole team aligned on its internal comms strategy. Most importantly, we empowered them to own this plan themselves – so DB Schenker could keep crafting inspiring stories with no dependency on COSYN.


(Draft) EY | Content strategy & impact stories