Making 'dry' topics human and fun

How we transformed the staff of Bauer Media Group into an army of Cyber Ninjas?

'Cybersecurity' can feel like an abstract term — until a cyber threat occurs. Bauer wanted to create awareness around this critical topic, but how do you make such a dry subject engaging? 
We partnered up with behavioural science to design a solution to Bauer's challenge. To avoid fear-mongering or over-moralizing, we created a sympathetic, attention grabbing, animated character to deal with this issue — Bauer's very own Cyber Ninjas! 
Featured in a series of entertaining videos, these Cyber Ninjas highlighted both the pitfalls of cybercrime and the best ways to stay protected against it.  

Not only were the Ninjas incredibly cute, but they also helped Bauer's employees understand the importance of cybersecurity and raise incidents proactively! 


COSYN Lab | drops


(Draft) eNovice | Employer branding